X marks the spot...

@ 43 years, 5 months, 1 week, 4 days and ? hours old, I lay on my California Kingsize bed wondering to myself who on earth would possibly be interested about me and my life, but never mind, here goes. Location, location, location they say, well according to the Facebook app on my iPad mine is:
  • somewhere I have never heard of; 
  • a place I certainly don't live near; and
  • doesn't sound particularly inviting. 
Whilst the reality on the other hand, where me myself and I, Johnnie, my lovely husband and three incredible children: Thibaut, Tatoum and Babette, 8 years, 2 and 3/4 years and almost 9 months respectively, live is a leafy affluent suburb of Nairobi, Kenya. So that was the "is"... New York being the latest destination in the "was" category and hopefully the "could-be" will be an idyllic hamlet somewhere in Provence, yet to be discovered by any other expat Brits lol. Up until now, I've totally loved the journey :). Here beginneth my ramblings... And the end of my first post.  X marks the spot.
