Watamu Triathlon 21-22 April 2012

Saturday morning was the kick-off for the weekend's tri events. Thibaut was 13th out of I think 20 in his age bracket of 8-10 year olds - we were all cheering for him like crazy and it was quite emotional. Well done Thibaut.

Sunday morning we were all up bright and early, with the alarm ringing at 5.15 a.m. Luckily the house we have rented it a hop, skip and a jump away from the hotel where all events centred around. So first thing to do was put our bikes in the transition area, lay out your paraphernalia in your area and check that bananas, health bars and the like were out of sight of prying monkeys.

Johnnie did the sprint distance (750 metre sea swim, 20 km bike and 5 km run) whilst I just did the bike distance as part of my relay team. Johnnie was AMAZING.... He came fifth overall and first in the over 40s. I am so proud of him :). And the first three were Kenyans, with the winner (#33 whose number I wrote on his arm and legs and joked that he would win because my numbers looked so neat!!) being part of the Kenyan national triathlon team, apparently competing in this year's Olympics in London.

Well I know didn't do the full event, but irrespective of that was pleased to complete the cycle leg in 48 mins, 42 seconds. Points of mention during the cycle include the following: I was going slow enough that I managed to catch two bottles of water out of the multiple water stops; I overtook a matatu which fair enough was dribbling along; I dodged numerous goats crossing the road; waved at lots of local children cheering by the roadside; drafted behind the winner of the Olympic length triathlon for a fraction of a second haha; and the same chap managed to overtake me twice - twice?? Yes he overtook me initially, then stopped for a pee by the side of the road, then I overtook him! then he hopped back into his cleats again and overtook me again...

Johnnie was most relieved that the sea hadn't been as choppy as it had been the day before when he went for a practice swim.

Happily all of our friends completed with respectable times and all without injury, we all had a great time and look forward to the next one.

Oh and my relay team came in 2nd place so we got medals too :)


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