Yesterday, I finally received my recent E-bay purchase - mentioned in my blog post of 23 March ( I am now the proud owner of a Navy Blue Leather Post Office Savings Book. It was mailed to my mum, who in turn mailed it to L's mum, then when L went to Londres she brought it back to me - phew... quite a journey for a little box.
I was describing the box to Stevie, explaining that in colonial times it was a method of saving which seemed to work - the box has a little hole at one end with the words inscribed "for notes" and there is a grid-like slot adjacent to it where the coins were popped in. Once it was full or you needed the money you would trot along to the Post Office where a nice Englishman who was the keyholder for said box would open it and dispense you your money! quite astonishing I know. Anyhow whilst I was demonstrating the purpose to him something fell on the ground - it was a 1932 Silver Three Pence coin. E-bay tels me that my "thruppenny bit" is now worth the grand total of approximately $17. So both are now taking pride of place on the top shelf of my display shelves. I was obviously in luck's way.
I was describing the box to Stevie, explaining that in colonial times it was a method of saving which seemed to work - the box has a little hole at one end with the words inscribed "for notes" and there is a grid-like slot adjacent to it where the coins were popped in. Once it was full or you needed the money you would trot along to the Post Office where a nice Englishman who was the keyholder for said box would open it and dispense you your money! quite astonishing I know. Anyhow whilst I was demonstrating the purpose to him something fell on the ground - it was a 1932 Silver Three Pence coin. E-bay tels me that my "thruppenny bit" is now worth the grand total of approximately $17. So both are now taking pride of place on the top shelf of my display shelves. I was obviously in luck's way.
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