I couldn't believe my eyes when I strolled through a shop the other day and saw these two divine beds - what fantastic finds I thought. Seriously ... who on earth would buy these hideous beds? The shop assistant, bless him, started doing his hard sell when he saw me show a glimmer of interest "built-in sound system included in the lilac faux leather one; "can be delivered and installed in 24 hours; "we have a range of circular bedding available..."full demonstration available"... (demonstration of what I wondered?!)
I get my fix of dreamy interiors, thanks to my online subscription of Living Etc, all the numerous fab websites, flicking through all my fav design and interiors mags when having my weekly pedicures! and wasting hours on Pinterest etc, but miss the luxury of having fabulous design and lifestyle stores within easy access, ah well, guess we can't have it all. I mean where else could I live and have oranges, bananas, passion fruit and avocados growing in my garden? lots of places, yet at this moment in time this is life as it is ...
Top of my wish-list - check out the built-in speakers... |
OK I know it's not as bad as the circular number, but still... |
On that note, June's Living Etc is now ready for downloading so off to get my monthly dose.
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