Cool Britannia

Apologies for my recent hiatus...  I will try to be more dedicated to my blog - especially since my #1 (and perhaps sole reader) is my mummy :)  I feel I have not been very committed to writing.  So here, now, today being the first day of the rest of my life... I begin!

In the past six weeks, Johnnie and I have been to four Diplomatic National Day Receptions.  About 200 years ago, during our first stint in New York, we were invited to them all the time: in fact in the end I had been to just too many that we ended up just attending ones where a high quality of food and booze was a sure thing!  Nowadays, the invitations to such events are somewhat rare, until it would seem six weeks' ago. 

First there was the fancy do at the US Ambassador's Residence - a fine affair (with great seafood and decent vino), then the Israeli National Day @ Ambo's pad, where Art Caffe - an upmarket Nairobi eaterie - did the catering and they had a rocking band doing fabulous cover versions - I even danced!  Thirdly was the Italian Ambassador's do - must say this was a little lame - but chunks of parmiggiano and copious servings of Barolo vino tinto definitely helped the enjoyment factor.  Then last week was the High Commissioner's Diamond Jubilee Extravaganza @ his Residence - this won hands down - us Brits are the Kings (and Queens) of pomp and ceremony, talk about Cool (flipping) Britannia - Pimms or Champagne on arrival; towering Kenyan models sporting vintage British Airways uniforms; the pimped-up Land Rover which the Queen did her safari in back in 1952, when she learned that she was to be Queen; fish and chips in Kenyan newspaper cones; and lots of GREAT Britain posters everywhere - these I liked, but could barely read the Britain on some of them!  This totally got me feeling all patriotic and am super excited about our forthcoming UK visit ...

Rule Brittania! 
